1. PORTUGAL – EBA – Formação Profissional, Lda
The Beira-Aguieira Professional School (EBA) is located in Coimbra district. This school is a private entity and its team has 28 teachers, 11 employees and 270 students
We teach professional courses in the following areas: kitchen / restaurant / environment / health / tourism / IT. The courses have a high technical workload, being areas aimed at the job market, aiming mainly at the insertion of young people in active life.
The school has the role of increasing interest in training and motivating young people in their school career.
The project aims to contribute with the skills of young people and teachers, in a cooperation platform with other entities, at European level and strengthen local, regional and (inter) national development, seeking to respond to the needs and interests of society.
It is intended to increase the skills in the field of tourism and the personal skills of students and teachers and to increase cultural awareness
2. BULGARIA – Secondary School 134 „Dimcho Debelyanov“
The school has 1020 students and 80 teachers. All students study English. It seeks to sensitize students to the challenges of their future life.
Current situations are very challenging for education and for young people, who need to be prepared to enter the job market, look for a job, sometimes emigrate, get used to new situations, deal with unemployment, economic and financial crisis countries of origin and Europe.
Schools must provide “necessary tools” for the integration of young people in the contemporary world. The tourism sector is attractive, involving 7.6% of the global workforce, that is, about 220 million jobs are linked to the sector. Students study English and participate in local tourism-related projects. They are being trained to perform various activities such as tour guide, hotel manager and travel agency.
3. GREECE – 4th Gymnasium of Chania
Our school receives about 200 students and the teaching staff is made up of about 30 teachers. The school wants to reinforce its participation in international projects to create a positive and quality learning environment and to improve students’ skills through an experimental and collaborative approach. The area of tourism is transversal to the development of all sectors of society, and our expectation, through this project, is to open horizons to students and the entire school community, contributing to the development of all those involved and to the growth of the region. not only in the practice of foreign languages, but also in the understanding of one’s own identity through the integration of different European identities, building relationships with people from other countries. The area of tourism is transversal to the development of all sectors of society, and our expectation, through this project, is to open horizons to students and the entire school community, contributing to the development of all those involved and to the growth of the region.
4. Italy – ITES GB Bodoni
Our school, located in the historic center of Parma, is a technical secondary school with a tourist, administrative and technological orientation. The school has 607 students and 84 members of the educational staff. The topics we teach range from art and tourism, to history, to foreign languages, to computing, to law and economics, to geography. The school has a strong tradition of internationalization and a strong IT department that supports European projects. Our school has an important experience in Erasmus + Projects and in the eTwinning community. We can contribute to the project because our territory has developed a path guided by the technological dimension, strengthening sustainable tourism.
5. Lithuania – Kaunas Versvu Gymnasium
The Kaunas Versvu Gym is located in the second largest city in Lithuania. It includes 850 students and 75 teachers. The school encourages interest in science / tourism / culture, allowing students to learn to think critically and express points of view, to present arguments in different fields of science; interact with peers; develop knowledge about study programs and job opportunities in Lithuania and other countries. Participating in international projects allows you to get to know European countries, their culture and education systems, studies and work possibilities, the lives of colleagues and interests. The school is open to changes, innovations, looking for new attractions for students, teaching and learning methods and opportunities.
The use of modern technologies and the development of creativity and entrepreneurial skills are the main priorities. The education center aims to help students improve self-knowledge, introduce a wide variety of professions and other study possibilities in Lithuania and the world and develop the skills needed for future careers, guiding them towards a successful path of self-development. One of the school’s priorities, defined in the strategic development plan, is education for entrepreneurship. It is successfully incorporated into the regular curriculum.
The “IES El Sobradillo” in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is located in a neighborhood with new buildings, old houses and residences. Founded in 1991, the Institute has 705 students, divided into 208 secondary schools, 95 Bachiller and 402 in professional training. Tourism is considered the first industry on our island, being the engine that drives our entire economy. We need our students to face reality, understand the need to learn languages and project sustainability as a very important factor in our society and the environment. These initiatives constitute the school’s mission, in putting the student in a position to experiment, compare, learn and grow through self-awareness of their skills and the world around them. The school has the following objectives: to show itself as a school open to dialogue with students, families and the community, to give and receive cooperation; educate for confrontation, respect and acceptance of difference; promote the development of skills and competences for decision making; providing tools and opportunities for students to learn and become aware of themselves and reality; conceive „the school of one and all“; train students open to innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. We are developing eTwinning projects, the objective being to obtain the seal.